L’AFNUM appelle la Commission européenne a sécuriser les infrastructures numériques en Ukraine
L’AFNUM est signataire, aux côtés de Digitaleurope, de l’AAVIT (République Tchèque), d’Ametic (Espagne), de l’ANIS (Roumanie), de l’ITAS (Slovaquie), de l’IVSZ (Hongrie), du PIIT (Pologne) et de Technology Industries of Finland, d’un courrier adressé à la Vice-présidente exécutive de la Commission, Margrethe Vestager, au Commissaire Thierry Breton et au Commissaire Lenarčič.
Ce courrier souhaite attirer l’attention de la Commission européenne à protéger les infrastructures numériques, télécoms et de communication, qui sont aussi vitales pour le fonctionnement de l’état. De nombreux dons de matériel informatique et numérique ont été réalisés par les entreprises au profit des Ukrainiens, toutefois un soutien logistique et financier de la part de la Commission permettrait de pérenniser ces efforts et de décupler l’aide apportée au peuple Ukrainien.
Ci-dessous le texte de la lettre adressée à la Commission :
SUBJECT: Supporting the delivery of vital ICT infrastructure to Ukraine
Dear Executive Vice President Vestager, Commissioner Breton and Commissioner Lenarčič,
The war on Ukraine is a tragedy and we commend the EU’s efforts to support the Ukrainian people. Understandably, most attention has been placed on the delivery of humanitarian aid and weapons, but the Russian armed forces are also destroying vital ICT and telecoms equipment – critical infrastructure for a modern state to function.
The signatories of this letter have come together to ensure that our industry is better coordinated and prepared to assist Ukraine in its hour of need.
To date, our industry has donated much needed laptops, servers, handsets, printers, and cybersecurity software to the point of need. Such equipment is critical to ensure the Ukrainian people remain connected and in control of their communications networks. ICT is essential to the proper functioning of hospitals, schools and transport hubs, as well as for citizens to stay connected with loved ones.
We acknowledge the important work done by the European Commission and the EU Member States thus far. However, there is an urgent need to boost the supply of equipment for telecommunications and data centre infrastructure. The Commission has the potential to play a much stronger role, to streamline the process and focus the many requests for equipment in a centralised process.
Although industry is already supporting with generous donations, the EU should also consider supporting these efforts financially, either through emergency funding or through affordable loans, so the burden does not fall on the Ukrainians themselves.
We stand ready to ensure Ukraine is supported in its time of need and look forward to a continued dialogue with our industries.